The attorney and I were both to catch a ride, with the corporate-type, over to this morning's meeting. However, we each got word last night that he will not be attending due to a cattle-call from the U.S. Census folks about a temporary eight-hour gig. At $22.00 an hour, that is, I suppose, the good news. The bad news is that he had to meet his fellow census takers in front of the DeYoung Museum at 1:30 on this cold and rainy morning. Their assignment is to count the homeless in Golden Gate Park - in the dark. We can assume that that would be the folks living in the bushes with their pit bulls. The moment a flashlight is shined in their eyes, won't they yell something like, "Get 'em, Fido?" Film at eleven.
Left to our own devices, I take Muni and the attorney grabs a cab. We manage to arrive just as the meeting is about to get underway. I'm asked to get us started. You may recall that my purpose for joining a Success Team was to add octane to my plans of expanding my services from Screenplay Writer to Screenplay Writer/Business Communications Writer. At the moment I'm stalled at the necessity to create a website that describes my new services. Once that's in place the plan is that I will use Google Adwords advertising to herd those searching online for services such as mine to the website. In addition to that,just yesterday, I received a check to get underway on a treatment for a script based on the story by a former English punk-rocker. The first five-pages are due next Tuesday. That pretty much eliminates any free time over the upcoming weekend. And on top of that, I've also chosen this moment to continue on a script (a romantic comedy) set in California's olive country. It's about the humorous roles people play in their everyday slippery existence and what can happen when life throws them an unexpected, extra-virgin curve ball. My Tiger Team sees this as an unnecessary project that compromises my stated ambitions. Can't I do it all?
The attorney is next up to bat. Much to everyone's surprise he informs us that during the past week he has accepted a high-paying position with a prestigious law firm. He's to start in ten-days but is already having second thoughts. His obvious uncertainty about his immediate future reveals, the team suspects, that he is on the wrong path. Has he compromised (there's that word again) his true ambitions?
Next week we meet at my flat out in the Richmond District.
The spirit of rice resides in Mae Posop - the Rice Mother. In a series of mini-documentaries, she will show struggling farmers how to remain resilient during this era of climate change. The producer's mission is to strengthen the capacity for self-determination in Southeast Asian rice farmers by enhancing the effectiveness of their Community Development Programs. With the Rice Mother, we have found a pragmatic way to teach the concepts of food security and sustainable agriculture.
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